Van Lathan Claims Kanye West Said 'I Love Hitler'

by Daryl Nelson

Kanye West making antisemtic remarks on Twitter last week has gotten responses from Michael Rapaport and other entertainers of Jewish descent like Jamie Lee Curtis and Sarah Silverman.

Former TMZ worker Van Lathan has also talked about West's remarks, and he made a big claim while on the Higher Learning podcast.

“I already heard him say that stuff before," said Lathan. "At TMZ… When he came to TMZ, he said that stuff and they took it out of the interview ... He said something like ‘I love Hitler,’ ‘I love Nazis,’ something to that effect when he was there and they took it out of the interview because of whatever reason. It wasn’t my decision.”

Lathan is talking about Ye's 2018 visit to TMZ when he said that slavery for Black people "was a choice."

What's your reaction to Ye's alleged Hitler comments?