Tyler, The Creator Addresses Eminem's Homophobic Jabs Against Him


Tyler, The Creator has been critical of a lot of Eminem's recent output.

Eminem addressed that on his 2018 Kamikaze track "The Fall".

“Tyler create nothing, I see why you called yourself a f*ggot, b*tch/It’s not just ’cause you lack attention/It’s because you worship D12’s balls, you’re sack-religious/If you’re gonna critique me, you better at least be as good or better,” Em rapped.

In a new interview with The Guardian, Tyler said he wasn't offended by the jab. 

“[It was] OK,” he said when asked about homophobic slur. “Did you ever hear me publicly say anything about that? Because I knew what the intent was. He felt pressured because people got offended for me. Don’t get offended for me. We were playing Grand Theft Auto when we heard that. We rewound it and were like: ‘Oh, [shrug].’ And then kept playing.”

Tyler appeared to come out as gay on his last album Flower Boy.