Teka$hi 69 Says He's Getting Blackballed


We know now that Teka$hi 6ix9ine pled guilty to three felony counts of Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance.

Festival bookers know this too, and they haven't been booking 69 because of it.

"They trying to blackball Teka$hi," 69 told DJ Akademiks during a livestream.

Then Akademiks brought up the fact that it's easier for Teka$hi to book shows in Europe -- where they presumably don't care as much that an artist admitted to doing bad things to a 13-year-old -- than it is in the US. 

"The people in the U.S. want to fuck with me. It's the people throwing the fucking events," Teka$hi explained, and then threatened to smack an unnamed organizer of a huge but unnamed festival.

"People blackball me for two reasons.  For that fake allegation and because they're scared of me. Literally scared of me. Fear me, bro. When see that nigga, I'm going to smack the shit out of the nigga."

69 went on to say that he's one of the top 10 or 15 artists in America right now and that if he doesn't get picked for XXL's Freshman list next year "that shit is rigged."

Check the interview below.

Do you think 69 deserves to be blackballed? You can read more about the charges he pled guilty to here.