Offset's Deleted Tweets Seem To Be Pointing At Nicki Minaj


Over the holiday weekend, Offset expressed a Twitter opinion about somebody who expressed an opinion about his relationship with Cardi B.

"SINCE WE MET MF BEEN HATING EVERYBODY GOT AN OPINION GOD BLESS AMERICA ALOT EVIL OUT HERE ALOT OF HATE NO LOVE SHIT CRAZY," he Tweeted. Next he wrote, "A lot of people want t b happy like me n wifey @iamcardib B U T T H E Y N O T." 

He ended his Tweet storm with the word "Miserable".

Then Offset deleted all three Tweets. Was it because they were aimed at Nicki Minaj?

A few days ago, Nicki sent out a Tweet which could certainly be seen as shading Offset and Cardi's drama-filled relationship, which now includes an engagement and a child on the way.

#Queen, know your worth. I’ve been proposed to 3 times; asked by 4 boyfriends to have their child. Being emotionally, mentally, or physically abused just to crack a fake smile on the gram & show off a ring is not happiness. Being cheated on, humiliated, belittled... for the gram?

— Chun-Li (@NICKIMINAJ) May 26, 2018
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