Ice-T Calls For DNA Test To Exonerate Man Convicted of 1980 Murder

by Daryl Nelson

Ice-T is trying to free Chester, Pennsylvania man Leroy "June" Evans, who received a life sentence after being convicted of murder in 1980.

Another man, Anthony Jones, already admitted to being the only killer of Emily Leo, an Avon Lady in Pennsylvania. 

Evans' attorneys are trying to get a DNA test to prove that he wasn't the murderer. A judge has already denied a request for DNA to be pulled. So now Ice-T has sent a message to the Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun Copeland.

"This is a very serious message. This is going out for Leroy Evans,” said Ice, who's own grandson was indicted for manslaughter. “Leroy, from what I understand, has been in prison for 39 years for a crime that he didn't commit. Now all he is fighting for is DNA testing, but they refuse to test, even despite another man confessing to it. Come on DA, you know I’m not a real cop and I just play one on TV, but I think this man, after 39 years in prison, whatever the crime might be, deserves at least to get that DNA test so he can clear himself."

Do you think Ice's message will help Evans?