Floyd Mayweather Comes At 50 Cent By FaceTiming With 50's Son


Last night, 50 Cent brought Floyd Mayweather's son Karaun into their ongoing Instagram beef by digging up an old police report that had a statement from Karaun about Floyd hitting his mom.

Karaun stayed loyal to his pops and told Fif to "worry about your family first."

And just like that, 50's oldest son Marquise flipped over to The Money Team.

Of course, 50 and Marquise have a pretty awful relationship, so it's no big surprise he'd seek out Uncle Floyd in a time like this. 

As for 50, his latest IG salvo has him claiming that he could beat Floyd in a street fight.

"See you the man in the ring champ but in the street I will hand you your ass. True Story 🤨get the strap." 50 typed.

Do you think 50 could beat on Money outside of the ring?