Birdman Publicly Apologizes to Lil Wayne


Earlier this summer, Lil Wayne scored a $10 million-plus settlement in his lawsuit against Birdman.

Now "father and son" are reestablishing their relationship.

Baby hit Wayne's annual Lil Weezyana Fest last night. During the show, he publically apologized to Wayne from the stage.

“I don’t know what ya’ll know. But I know what the fuck I know, and I know how I feel about what I know. I knew this day was gon’ come, but I didn’t know when it was gon’ come. But this nigga right here, the best nigga, the realest nigga, the illest nigga," Birdman said of Wayne. “I wanted to apologize to my niggga worldwide. That nigga put his life in my hands and I’m real with that niggga, we gon’ do that shit ’til the day we die. It’s YMCMB for death.”

The apology comes just days after we learned that Birdman is countersuing Wayne's main man and manager Cortez Bryant in a long-running dispute over Drake's royalties.

So we'll see how long the reunion lasts.