Azealia Banks Says She Was Beat Up By a Famous Music Manager

by Daryl Nelson

Azealia Banks said she was manhandled and physically assaulted by Coldplay's manager Dave Holmes when she was dating him a few years ago. She detailed in the third person the alleged incident on Instagram.

This isn't the first time Banks made this particular claim. In 2012 she went on Twitter and stated more or less the same thing.

"Coldplay’s manager Dave Holmes is a piece of shit," she wrote in a now deleted tweeted.  "Second time he has put his fucking hands on me ... You know how someone lets you down once, and you give them another chance, and they let you down again? And you feel stupid because you knew better? A jealous man is a dangerous man."

So far Holmes hasn't responded to the allegation, but we'll see if Bank's new message forces him to do so. Do you think people will come down on Holmes because of Bank's post, or will they brush this aside since she's been known to say a lot of crazy things?

[Related: Russell Simmons steps down from Def Jam after another sexual assault allegation.]