2Pac Quad Studios Shooter Dexter Isaac Says Pac Being Broke Led To Incident


Dexter Isaac, who says he shot 2Pac at Quad Recording Studios in Manhattan in 1994, continues to tell his side of the story from Federal prison.

In an interview with Gully TV, Isaac confirmed that Jimmy Henchman paid him $2500 and all Pac's jewelry he could steal to open fire on Pac.

Henchman was pissed at Pac because the rap legend had disrespectfully demanded from him cash -- not a check -- for a track he had done with Lil Shawn.

"2Pac didn't have no money," Isaac said, explaining why Pac didn't trust a $7000  check. "Everyone thinking he had millions of dollars but that was bullshit."

Isaac also said Haitian Jack wasn't involved at all in the shooting, as has long been the rumor. 

"Nothing to do with Haitian Jack. It was all about Lil Shawn, he wanting that $7000 in cash, and he talking reckless at Jimmy about that money."

Jump to the 5:30 mark to hear Isaac walk through the shooting.

Isaac's serving life in prison for other crimes.