Young Buck Suggests That 50 Cent Has a Gay History


50 Cent has been all over Young Buck for Buck's alleged relationships with transgendered women.

In a new interview with Big Facts, Buck said Fif needs to tread lightly because he has his own skeletons.

"These other n*ggas might try to use this sh*t to make a laugh or two or make a career from it.  I laughed off 50 when the last poll he put up ... about you still mess with the trans folks and some type of sh*t.  Imma gonna say this much.  Be easy.  It ain't going to be me put you in that loop, cuz. You know them skeletons lay in that closet.  I ain't got nothing to do with your skeletons.  But you might wanna be a little bit careful and this point in time about how you going about that situation," Buck warned.

Do you think there's anything to that?