Watch The Game Go Off On Paparazzi


The Game is usually more than happy to express one of his numerous opinions when the paparazzi stick a camera in his face.

But "usually" and "always" are different things.

In the video below, The Game goes off on a pap for filming him.


As you can see, the pap gets Game going by telling him to "chill."

"I'm always chill, bro. I got a death in my family, I don't feel like it today. Don't disrespect me bro ... Y'all don't have any decency? What if your auntie died, how would you feel? I'm not one of your regular a$$ celebrities that you can try like that.  When I tell you to put the camera down, put the camera down. Or you gonna get The Game you don't want to get," Game threatened.

Condolences to Game on the death in his family.