Watch BlocBoy JB Get into A Heated Argument With German Police

by Daryl Nelson

BlocBoy JB got into a heated argument with the German police during a visit to Europe.

"Put your hands on me again," Blocboy told an officer. "Fuck you too."

It seems like the cops had an issue with being filmed, but that didn't stop the rapper from recording.

Later on, BlocBoy mentioned the ordeal on his Instagram story. 

"If you a police officer, do your job please. Don't be on all that extra tough stuff shit, 'cause a nigga can get with that same shit. Facts," he wrote.

The argument in Germany comes shortly after BlocBoy dropped his Don't Think That mixtape, which follows his SIMI   project and a video for one of its standout cuts "Mamacita"

What do you think would have happened if BlocBoy talked to cops like that in the U.S.?