Wale Just Social Smacked Tomi Lahren

by HHL Editors

Wale and right wing barbie Tomi Lahren have had a couple of highly personalized Twitter fights in the past.

But the MMG rapper just scored his best social media counter punch on the conservative pundit after a Tweet which had nothing to do with him.

It started when Tomi did this.

Question: how can you impeach him if he's "not your president...?"

— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 24, 2017
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Wale then did this.

How u get fired on your day off? https://t.co/oSbUdthX9t

— Wale (@Wale) May 25, 2017
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That's in reference to Lahren's high-profile dismissal from Glenn Beck's news organization The Blaze.

The rest of Twitter was impressed with Wale's comeback.

@Wale pic.twitter.com/Jv2d8QOCdb

— Robots With Rayguns (@robtswthrayguns) May 25, 2017
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@Wale us reading this tweet... pic.twitter.com/mAhPn1axg4

— The Shadow League (@ShadowLeagueTSL) May 25, 2017
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Here's how Lahren responded.

Why are you so obsessed with me? https://t.co/ydgUaMOusl

— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 25, 2017
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Does she have a point? Or is Wale just saying what everyone's thinking?