Vanilla Ice Goes In On Suge Knight To The Extreme


Legend has it, Suge Knight dangled Vanilla Ice from a 15th-floor balcony until he signed over the publishing rights to his 90's megahit 'Ice Ice Baby'.

Vanilla has denied that ever happened.

But whatever happened, Ice is still harboring bad feelings about Suge.

The 54-year-old lashed out at the imprisoned boss last night on Twitter.

"Suge Knight garbage," Ice typed. "Now put your fanny pack on and dancing shoes and let's kick it. @TMZ"

Vanilla tagged TMZ because yesterday the site ran a story about Mario "Chocolate" Johnson -- who Suge notoriously made co-writer of Ice Ice Baby.  Johnson had recently said he, not Ice, wrote the entire song.

Knight will be 69 when he is first eligible for parole in 2034.  In 2018, he got 28 years for killing a guy with his truck.

Will one of his first post-prison stops be at Ice's house?