Tyrese Cost Dr. Dre & Jimmy Iovine $200 Million In Beats Audio Deal


Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine's sale of Beats Audio to Apple is the stuff of legends.

But it was almost a little more legendary.

According to a new book, Dre and Iovine didn't get the $3.2 billion for Beats that was originally negotiated.

That's because before the deal was announced Dre got in the studio with Tyrese and bragged about being rap's first billionaire.

Tyrese posted the video, which violated the deal's confidential clause.

Iovine had specially warned Dre not to do this and was freaking out when Apple boss Tim Cook summonsed them into his office the next day.

But instead of canceling the deal, as Iovine feared, Cook just shaved $200 million off the price and they settled for $3 billion.

That's still a lot.  But so is the $200 million they didn't get.