Tyrese Announces There Will Be A "Four Brothers" Sequel


During Tyrese's notorious meltdown, he claimed that his ex-wife had poisoned his name in Hollywood and thus he was having trouble getting any roles outside of the Fast & Furious franchise.

Lucky for Ty, it looks like another one of his movies is taking the first step toward being a franchise.

Tyrese jumped on Instagram last night and announced that  Paramount had officially greenlit a sequel to Four Brothers, the 2004 revenge thriller starring Ty, Andre 3000, Marky Mark, and the other white guy. 


Now Tyrese is a man capable of completely making up  getting a $5 million gift from Will Smith. So he's not the world's most reliable source. Perhaps mindful of this, he also posted a Hollywood Reporter headline suggesting what he said about  a Four Brothers sequel is true.


You hype for a Four Brothers sequel?