Tyler, The Creator Puts His Phone Number on a Billboard


Tyler, The Creator wants your calls.

So he took out a Billboard with the text “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST” and a phone number, but no indication you will be calling him.

If you dial the number you hear a voicemail of Tyler and his mother.

It would stand to reason that many people who called the number would have no idea who Tyler is.  But enough of his fans did, and one of them figured out the voicemail is part of an upcoming Tyler track "Momma Talk", which is probably on the follow-up album to his 2019 hit Igor.

this will be featured on the album as “MOMMA TALK” pic.twitter.com/MKL2K5IzoS

— On Thin Ice (@OnnThinIce) June 9, 2021
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THE YEAR IS SAVED, IT SOUNDS SO GOOD TOO pic.twitter.com/w5ct2iO7yq

— Sam ⭐⭐ (@ManLikeJorgi) June 9, 2021
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