Too $hort Explains Why He's Never Retiring, Mentions Tom Brady

by Daryl Nelson

In 1995 Too $hort was planning to walk away from the rap game but it obviously never happened.

He spoke to Shannon Sharpe about it and said there was one person who changed his mind.

"Once upon a time, I announced that I was retiring," $hort explained. “I was 30 years old, and it was a big promotional push behind Too $hort retiring.  I was on my 10th album at the time and I remember DJ Red Alert said to me, ‘You don’t ever see jazz musicians retiring or blues? Diana Ross and Smokey [Robinson], they’re still on the stage. Why does a rapper have to stop?’" 

"So when he said that, I never ever considered retirement ever again," he added. "And I think that the more I get older and wiser, I’m thinking somebody’s got to keep doing this ... This is saying for my young homies, look what I can do. Look at what Tom Brady’s doing for quarterbacks.”

Do you think rappers should retire or be like rock, jazz and other musicians, who keep on going?