The Weeknd Tells His Fans It's All Bella Hadid's Fault


The Weeknd's blaming his girlfriend Bella Hadid for something.

What it is it's not exactly clear.

Abel was spotted wandering around New York City earlier this week with Bella on his arm and a "Blame Bella" hat on his head.

Some folks are speculating that he's jokingly blaming his model plus one for his lack of new music. He did drop the EP My Dear Melancholy in March of this year but also admitted he scrapped an entire LP worth of work because he wasn't in the proper mindset. 

"Prior to Melancholy, I had a whole album written, done, which wasn’t melancholy at all because it was a different time in my life…It was very upbeat — it was beautiful," he said at the time.

Maybe now that he's in that starry-eyed-novelty-snapback stage of his relationship with Bella he's in his right mind to drop that upbeat material.

If not, you know who to blame.