The Mom Of "Underage" Girl Boston Richey Has Been Messing With Speaks Out


Boston Richey is under fire, and it has nothing to do with snitching.

Internet investigators have discovered that the 26-year-old has been with his 18-year-old girlfriend since she was 17 and possibly 16.

The age of consent is 16 in much of the country.  And would be if Richey was from Boston.  However, in Florida, where Richey resides, it's 18.

Folks have been shaming the mother of Richey's girlfriend, and she's not here for it.

"Why y'all hoes so pressed about my daughter?  Yall weird AF," she typed.  "Stay out o my DM's ... YOU KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ME AND DAMN SURE DON'T KNOW SH*T ABOUT MY DAUGHTER."