Tekashi 6ix9ine's Baby Mama Accuses Him Of Abuse; Says 50 Cent Helped Him Hide Money


Tekashi 6ix9ine's baby mother Sara Molina, who appeared to be talking to 6ix9ine's current girlfriend Jade on Instagram Live, (re)made some explosive allegations of violence and abuse against the troll rapper.

“Let me tell you something, as f*cked up as Danny has ever been to me — lied on me, beat me, raped me did whatever the f*ck he’s done to me. I still in a weird, f*ckin’ twisted way get treated better than what the f*ck you do. And that’s on god. That’s on my daughter. Cause you get absolutely nothing. Nothing. Now you wanna say I’m going to hurt your feelings? I’m gonna hurt your feelings.”

And why won't Jade get anything?  According to Molina, 50 Cent taught 6ix9ine how to hide his money.

“He told me how he was going to hide money from you,” she tells Jade. “He was going to hide his f*cking money from child support and f*cking charities cause 50 taught him. He was going to that extent just not to take care of your baby that might be his.  Just not to talk care of your daughter.

You so stuck on trying to defend a n*gga in hopes of something for your daughter or whatever you want to say it is, but he’s grimy so.  That’s what made it even easier for me to believe all the sh*t he was saying because of how he spoke about you.”

This afternoon, Tekashi 6ix9ine announced he will be on Live at 3 PM on Friday, the same day he's said to be releasing new music.