The word is Tekashi 6ix9ine's unusual name is inspired by Japanese-born tattoo artist Takashi Matsuba.
6ix9ine spoke about Matsuba in bother the Hulu and Showtime documentaries on the troll rapper, calling Matsuba a "heroin addict."
Matsuba didn't much appreciate that characterization, mainly because he doesn't believe it to be true.
So he's suing 6ix9ine, Showtime, and Hulu.
“I lost a number of friends, but by far the most important one is my dear wife. We divorced last year, because she no longer trusted me after Hernandez’s false statements about me were broadcast on Hulu and Showtime,” Matsuba stated.
Maybe things are different in Japanese culture, but if you lose a wife over something Tekashi 6ix9ine said, you may not have had that strong of a relationship to start with.