Taylor Swift Still Wants Felony Charges Against Kanye And Kim

by HHL Editors

It appeared that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were off the hook criminally for recording 'Ye's phone call with Taylor Swift, in which they discuss his notorious song 'Famous.'

Yes it's illegal to record phone conversations in California without duel consent. But if both parties already know a third party was listening in -- as appeared to be the case when West and Swift spoke -- that law is invalidated.

However, Swift still may file a police report. According to TMZ, Swift contends she had no idea 'Ye had her on speaker and that Rick Rubin and others were privy to the conversation in real time.

She's also pissed that Kardashian only released five minutes of the hour long chat. She wants the whole conversation out because it would prove 'Ye never said he was going to call her a "bitch" on the record and that he promised to send her an advance copy of the track-- but then never did.