T-Pain Explains Why He Makes More Playing Video Games Than On His Music


T-Pain has an impressive catalog of music.

But it's not a catalog that puts money in his pocket.

The 37-year-old has been open with his financial problems over the last decade.

Now there's another twist.

T-Pain says he's earning more playing video games than off of his music.

“I’m making more money off of video games than I have made in the last four years,” T-Pain said while chatting with Steve-O. “Just playing them. Playing video games.”

T says the cash is flowing in even though he's not very good at video games.

“I think that’s what makes it better,” he explained. “I mean there are definitely good players out there that make a ton of money, but I think the entertainment that comes from somebody like me being trash at it, I think that’s just more valuable and more entertaining.”

It's nice to see Teddy getting paid.  Even if it's for being trash.