
Spotemgottem Arrested For Domestic Violence After Pressing Woman For Threesome


SpotemGottem wanted to have a threesome.

However, the two ladies who would have been involved were not interested.

So he ended up assaulting one of them and was arrested.

In the video below, police speak to the victim and speak to Spotem before arresting him.

"He basically just was mad that me and my friend din't want to have a threesome with him," she said.

The woman, whom Spotem had flown in from Minnesota, was left alone with Gottem after the second woman left Spotem's apartment by Uber.

Gottem ended up hitting her and also pulled a weapon.

He was arrested for domestic assault.  The incident happened last year but the footage just hit YouTube.

We guess Lil Durk isn't the only one who doesn't f with Spotem.

Posted In: Crime
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