Someone "Air-Tagged" Xzibit's Car & He's Not Happy

by Benny Franklin

Xzibit is not a happy camper...

The California rapper jumped on Instagram earlier to call-out whoever put an air-tag on his vehicle. 

X to the Z says he got a notification on his phone that an air-tag was tracking his movements, and it asked him to disable it if he wasn't familar with it. 

So….whoever thought it was a good idea to put a fucking AirTag on my car and track me, I found this shit and now I’m tracing back from the serial number on the device to find YOUR stupid ass. I don’t know what your intentions were, but trust me you would have been on the working end. Be careful out here guys, these people are getting bold. Unbelievable. #Dangerous #becareful

Who do you think is tracking Xzibit?