Snoop Dogg Comes For Kanye West Over Drake


Snoop Dogg is not impressed with Kanye West's twitter rantings about Drake.

So Snoop made a video about that and put it on Instagram.

"On some real shit though, cuz. Is y'all getting tired of Kanye West and these tweets? Cause I am. I see why nigga, you and Donald Trump hangout. Nigga, y'all tweet like a motherfucker. I think that nigga needs Dr. Phil or Maury...You know what? That nigga need Jerry Springer," Snoop said, while listening to Drake’s 2013 track "From Time."

"Get your ass off your phone nigga...and go holla at that nigga in real life. Stop telling the whole fucking world what you're going through. We don't give a fuck."

Snoop's been critical of Kanye for a while now, so this isn't really a surprise.