Scott Storch Speaks On Leaving Miami; The True Cost of His Coke Habit


Scott Storch was the latest guest on Drink Champs.

During the interview, he discussed his decision to leave Miami, the city he is associated with.  In doing so, he opined on the true cost of his cocaine habit.

"Everybody knows my history with drugs and all that sh*t.  And I really was trying to get my life back together for my children's sake.  So I don't die.  So I could make good music and not abuse my God-given talent.  And I had to make a geographical change to anywhere.  There was too many, it was too accessible.  Anytime I wanted cocaine it was there," Storch said, and added that it wasn't the price of cocaine -- which he would often get for free -- it was the terrible decisions he made while on coke that bankrupted him. 

"I stopped working.  All I did was snort and f*ck," he added.

Storch is cocaine free these days.