Rick Ross Stunts a $4 Million Lamborghini yacht


Rick Ross likes the fancy things in life.

Mansions, cars, military equipment, cattle, all of Meek Mill's homes.

Nothing says fancy like a Lamborghini yacht and The Bawse is thinking of buying one.

Here he is on a tour.

Rick Ross shows off the views on a Lamborghini Yacht pic.twitter.com/fZKQ8BdWJm

— 2Cool2Blog (@2Cool2Blog) June 28, 2023
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The boat goes for around $4 million.

Should he buy?

Rick Ross toured a Lamborghini Yacht and is considering buying one. They cost over $3.5M 💰pic.twitter.com/OmfyJBTkBu

— Hot Freestyle (@HotFreestyle) June 28, 2023
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