Rich Homie Quan Pays Bouncer He Beat Up In Bond Villain Style Attack

by HHL Editors

In 2015, Rich Homie Quan was involved in an incident at the Miami Beach hotspot LIV.

He wanted to get into the VIP room, but was denied and told to wait in line like everybody else. That left him feeling some type of way and he allegedly punched the bouncer in face.

Then he went full on Bond villain by jumping on a power boat and speeding off into Biscayne Bay.

The bouncer sued, and this week RHQ settled for $60,000.

"That's one expensive punch and hopefully it'll send a message -- to not just celebrities, but regular people -- you can't go around punching people," the bouncer's lawyer told TMZ.
Quan's lawyer insists RHQ didn't beat the bouncer and believes he would have won the case if they went to court - but instead they settled to avoid going through a trial.

It's good to know RHQ still has 60K laying around.