Post Malone has said that he would like to be considered an artist, not a rapper. He also notoriously said not to listen to Hip-Hop if you want to hear emotional lyrics.
In Post's new interview with GQ, writer Bijan Stephen asked the 22-year old about those comments.
Do you, Post Malone, ever feel anxious about working in a primarily black-identified genre of music? I’m black. I’m young. I’ve been put off by some of the things he’s said about distancing himself from rap, from R&B, from anything, really, that’s musically black-identified. I enjoy Post’s music, but I’m skeptical: What’s worse than appropriating a black sound without giving appropriate credit is doing that and not realizing why that might be wrong," Stephen wrote.
That led to a discussion about music and race, and the"Rockstar" artist talked about how difficult it is for him to be a white rapper, and how he doesn't want to be a "rapper" at all.
“I definitely feel like there’s a struggle being a white rapper," said Post. "But I don’t want to be a rapper. I just want to be a person that makes music. I make music that I like and I think that kicks ass, that I think the people who fuck with me as a person and as an artist will like.”
Post was then asked a couple of more questions about race, which Stephen said Post answered uncomfortably.
Do you see that it’s political to be a black rapper?
“Yeah, yeah!” he says. “I mean…shit.”
And you also recognize that there are separate struggles that go along with race, right?
“Yeah,” he says, “of course.”
You can read the interview in its entirety here.
But before you do, what are your thoughts on Post? Do you have a problem with him not wanting to be a rapper and what he said about race?