N.W.A. Nominated For the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

by HHL Editors

2015 has been the year of N.W.A.

Will it also be the year they are inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame?

The seminal west coast rap group has been has been nominated each of the past three years but has yet to make the final cut. They were nominated for a fourth time today, along with The Cars, Chic, Chicago, Cheap Trick, Deep Purple, Janet Jackson, the J.B.’s, Chaka Khan, Los Lobos, Steve Miller, Nine Inch Nails, the Smiths, the Spinners and Yes.

You can participate in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Fan Nominee vote, which will count as one official ballot, here.

If N.W.A is elected, they will be the fifth rap act to make it Cleveland, following the Furious Five (2007), Run DMC (2009), the Beastie Boys (2012) and Public Enemy (2013.)