Black Porn Star Sues After White Co-Star Called Him N-Word During Money Shot


Porn actor Maurice McKnight, who goes by the stage name Moe the Monster, is suing after he was subjected to hate speech during an adult video shoot.

McKnight alleges that director James Joseph Camp twice asked him if he would allow his co-star Deborah Hinkle to use racial slurs during their scene.

McKnight said he did not consent. However, Camp still told Hinkle to hit him with N-bombs during the money shot. After the scene, Camp and DFI Productions told McKnight that they would edit out the slurs but then never did.

McKnight's lawsuit states that Camp and DFI conspired to "dupe" him into  performing sex acts with Hinkle, knowing that Hinkle planned to use the racist slur during the final scene."

"Camp and DFI defrauded McKnight for the purpose of creating and selling racist content to its racist customers," the lawsuit states.

Given that McNight is known for his racial activism, the deception stung even more.

"I've shot over 50 scenes for this company. For a long time, I was one of their top guys. And I'm always publicly talking about racism. For them to even ask me was an insult, then to do it against my will, it hurts. It feels like it was a set-up," he said.

His lawyer Dan Gilleon explained why McKnight is suing.

"The use of the N-word in the workplace is extraordinarily harmful to African American workers. It's a violent, abusive word that embodies the pure evil of racism. It has no place in our society,"  Gilleon told The Daily News. "Moe is going high by filing a lawsuit instead of acting in kind to this egregious act of racism."