Meek Mill Goes Undercover On Social Media & Responds To Fans

by Benny Franklin

Meek Mill is for the people.

Meek teamed up with GQ and their show Actually Me to respond to fans from "fake" social media accounts. 

According to GQ...

Meek responds to real comments from Twitter, Quora, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook and more. What thing is Meek Mill most scared of? Does he believe in God? How do he know Robert Kraft?

Meek answers all of these questions, plus more.

How did Meek become friends with Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots? 

Well, it's simple.

Were hustlers. Why is that suprising? Because he's white and wealthy and i'm black and getting money? I dunno why we friends.

He spoke up for me, in a time of need. He spoke up for me, in front of the world. Robert Kraft met through Michael Rubin and we been cool ever since really. We met on the plane, went to miami, chilled out and we been cool ever since. 

Meek also announced he has a new tour starting in February called The Motivation Tour.

What does Meek Mill fear the most? Dying.

You can watch the full segment below.