Martin Shkreli Will Release Unheard Wu-Tang Album If Trump Wins

by HHL Editors

The pharma-douche is back.

Financial criminal and music investor Martin Shkreli wants to get out the vote for Donald Trump by offering music fans an incentive to make the orange one President.

If Trump wins, my entire unreleased music collection, including unheard Nirvana, Beatles, and of course, Wu-Tang, comes out, for free.

— Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) October 27, 2016
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In addition, Shkreli made a threat on Once Upon a Time in Shaolin -- the unheard Wu album he paid $2 million for --if Hillary wins.

@ShredFlintstone or break it

— Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) October 27, 2016
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Where's Bill Murray when you need him?