Man Eats Vinyl Record After Losing Kendrick Lamar Bet [VIDEO]

by HHL Editors

Reddit user Cousin Tyrone was among those who believed Kendrick Lamar was going to drop a second album on Easter.

Kendrick Lamar did not drop a second album on Easter.

That was sad news for all Kendrick Stans, and particularly sad for Tyrone -- because he had promised to eat a vinyl record of Good Kid, M.A.A.D City if the album didn't materialize.

He proved he's a man of word in the video below.

Tyrone is still alive, and answered questions about his stunt on Reddit.

“I took A LOT of laxatives to help pass the vinyl as fast as possible. It’s been around 16 hours since I did this and I’m still feeling the effects of it. Overall, I do not recommend eating vinyl. I’ll answer more questions if you have any.”