Ludacris Unveils 'Ludaversal' Album Cover

by Sermon

Ludacris' first car is a 1993 Acura Legend. Despite all his success since, the car has stayed with him. It has over 250,000 miles on it, and Luda has no plans of ever getting rid of it. This is why you can see it pictured next to his private jet on the album cover for Ludaversal. A contrast of such; where he started vs. where he's at now.

While Luda has been keeping busy with tons of freestyles, the buzz for Ludaversal, which is still coming out March 31, doesn't feel all the way there. We'll see how it does once it drops. Since Fast & Furious 7 is out a couple days later, maybe that'll give him a boost in sales.

What do you think of the cover?

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