Lil Nas X Weighs In On Gen Z's Attempt to Cancel Eminem


Last week, Gen Z Tik Tokers discovered there is this guy called Eminem and he tends to say controversial things.

So they tried to cancel him, as is their MO.

Eminem's millennial and older Stans defended him and mocked the youngsters for trying to do what many have already failed.

21-year old Lil Nas X is Gen Z.  But he's also team Eminem.  So he took to Tik Tok to laugh at his generational peers.

@lilnasx ♬ CALL ME BY YOUR NAME BY LIL NAS X - not lil nas x

"Generation Z wants to cancel Eminem?" Nas X said with a cackle. "Generation Z wants to cancel Eminem? Listen up, Generation/Z, you're a generation of Z/Z, generation of Z."

Does that about sum it up?