Lil Durk Clone Perkio Looks Terrified As Fans Run Up On Him In the Mall


It's been a tough run for replicas.

Drake has threatened to slap the Drizzy out of Fake Drake.

And now rap's premier clone, Lil Durk's fugazi Perkio, is feeling the weight of his fame

He's a video of fans running down on Perkio at the mall.

[Instagram post not found] 

Perkio, who looks to weigh about 100 pounds soaking wet, seems nervous out in the wild.

Durk has his own history of looking shook.

The genuine article explained what's that about in an interview earlier this summer.

"I'm always looking scared?  That's where I've become a real firm believer in looks can be deceiving.  I've been looking like I've lost a nerve and all.  You know what happened in the house," the real Durk said.

The fake Durk just looks scared.