Lil B was jumped last weekend at the Bay Area Rolling Loud festival.
He said A Boogie wit da Hoodie and his crew were responsible for the attack -- which looked violent but only left B with minor injuries. He then forgave them for harming him.
Now it looks like he was forgiving them for a lot more than just some bumps and bruises. During the attack, somebody stole his bag. TMZ has learned it contained 45K worth of laptops, cameras, and cash.
B doesn't believe Boogie was the one who swiped his stuff.
It's not the first time B has suffered this type of financial setback. In 2015, his apartment burned down. Then somebody in the hotel he was forced to live at stole 10K from him.
We hope the BasedGod can conjure up a way to get his stuff back.
[Related: Lil B and A Boogie wit da Hoodie communicate after Rolling Loud beatdown.]