Lamar Odom's Fiancee Makes Him Use An App That Prevents Him From Watching Porn


Lamar Odom is a self-admitted sex addict.

Apparently the addiction includes sex with himself.

In a promotional video Lamar posted to his Instagram, the former ballers fiancee explains how she uses an app called Covenant Eyes to monitor his porn watching.

Odom co-signed the tracking in the captions.

What’s up guys. This is something special that I want to share with all of you. For many years I struggled with watching porn. I shared in several interviews that I would get fined in the NBA for being late. I’d rather watch the last scene then stop and get to practice or get to the bus. I didn’t know It was an addiction because that’s something that’s not talked about in our community. To pick watching porn over so many other important things is a sickness. Knowing it’s interfering with relationships and doing nothing about it is a sickness. Thanks to @covenant.eyes and my fiancée @getuptoparr I’ve been able to deal with it in the light. I no longer have any shame about it. When I first met @getuptoparr it was something she told me she wasn’t going to ignore or deal with if I wanted to be with her so I had to make a decision. I agreed to share this experience because this app and their community has helped me a lot. I hope this helps someone out like it did for me. For more info you can click the link in my bio and go to their website."

Something tells us Odom is currently in the basement with his burner phone.