Kodak Black Explains Why He Prefers Light Skinned Women Over Dark Skinned

by Daryl Nelson

Kodak Black explained why he prefers lighter skinned women to darker skinned women during an interview on ChaneyTV. The rapper has received a lot of backlash over the past few days after saying he'd rather date women like Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lopez instead of a black woman.

"I'm an average dude," said Kodak. "Cause I don't see myself no better than him, no better than him or no less than him. So if he can say that he like skinny women ... He can say that and nobody would get mad at him. I just said I don't like women with my complexion. I like light skinned women. I want you to be lighter than me. I love African American women, but I just don't like my skin complexion."

Then Kodak that said darker women are harder to deal with, and he feels a lighter woman can be controlled more.

"My complexion, we too gutter," he said. "Light skinned women, they more sensitive ... [Dark skinned] women are too tough. Light skinned women, we can break them down more easily."
What do you think about Kodak's statements?