King Combs Backtracks On His Gang Affiliation After Claiming GDK

by Daryl Nelson

So, it turns out that Puffy Combs' son King Combs isn't really a Gangster Disciples Killer.

On Monday, a video began making the rounds that shows him claiming to be GDK.

Then another King, King Yellow, criticized Puffy's son and said making the claim was a bad move.

But it didn't take long for King Combs to take back his words.

"I ain’t affiliated w no gangs & I’m not a gang member," he wrote on social media.

And remember, all of this comes while Puff is being accused of some vicious crimes like rape, physical abuse, and sex trafficking, which he's denied.

What do you think about King Combs claiming GDK and then taking it back so quickly?