Kevin Hart Responds To Katt Williams' Scathing Criticism

by HHL Editors

Comedian and crazy person Katt Williams had some pretty nasty things to say about Kevin Hart during a show in Atlanta last weekend.

"I’ve already proven that if the best they’ve got in comedy is Kevin Hart—-don’t you boo a black man working hard, even if that nigga’s a puppet it’s not his fault," Williams said from the stage. "You don’t get mad at Kermit The Frog, you get mad at Jim Henson. Don’t say fuck Donald Duck when you mean fuck Walt Disney. I just know somebody’s hand is stuck up that baby."

Hart decided to take the high road in response to Williams's words with an Instagram post yesterday from the Oscars.

What do you think? Is Williams correct to call Hart a puppet, or is he just jealous and insecure?