It Looks like There's A New Version Of Kanye West's 'Wolves' With Drake & Bjork

by HHL Editors

If anything is representative of the idea of The Life Of Pablo being an album in progress, it's the track 'Wolves.'

We first heard it pre-TLOP on Saturday Night Live with Vic Mensa and Sia as the features.

However, when Ye' launched the album at Madison Square Garden last month Frank Ocean and Caroline Shaw were the features.

But West apparently wasn't satisfied with that cut, and a high quality Mens/ Sia version emerged a few days after the album dropped.

Now we have evidence there is also a version of 'Wolves' with Drake and Icelandic oddity Bjork.

These are snapchat screenshots taken from Cashmere Cat, one of 'Wolves' producers.

Would you be hype for a 'Ye/Drake/Bjork version of 'Wolves?'