Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans Admits She Lied about 'Family Matters' Star Beating Their Son

by A. Mia Logan

Karrine Steffans has always been known for her relationships with men in the entertainment industry, but perhaps none as notorious and drama-filled as her former marriage to the former Eddie Winslow, Darius McCrary. When the pair was divorcing, Steffans claimed that McCrary had been abusive  to both her and their child, stating that he beat his son with a spoon and other nasty things.

Coincidentally, less than a few days after McCrary was arrested for not paying child support, TMZ is claiming to have legal documents proving that Steffans lied about the abuse. According to TMZ, the video vixen confessed that she lied and accused a man of a horrible crime because she was hurt and upset over their divorce. No word yet on whether or not Steffans will be charged with perjury, seeing as how she lied under oath which is typically not something the judicial system is big on. Hopefully, this ends the whole situation so that their son (who’s really the one person who has to deal with these two unfortunate people) can have a normal life.