Kanye West Sued For Abusing Sunday Service Performers and Crew


Kim Kardashian isn't the only one who has Kanye West lawyering up.

Ye is facing two class-action lawsuits filed by the performers and crew of his Sunday Service show and his  Nebuchadnezzar opera, alleging he stiffed them on pay and mistreated them to the extent he was violating labor laws.

500 performers and 300 crew members are suing Kanye because he made them stand in place all day without any opportunities to take breaks or even use the bathrooms.

There are also numerous allegations of late payments or no payments at all for services rendered.  Lawyers expect over 1000 performers and crew will eventually join the suit.  

“No one knows how involved Kanye himself was, if he knew what was going on, as it was all so last minute, it was terribly ran. Whether it was mismanagement, accidental, or on purpose, this is a very strong case,” a source told The Sun.

Legal experts believe Ye could be liable to the tune of about $30 million.