Did Kanye West Pass On The Beats Audio Deal Before It Went To Dr. Dre?

by HHL Editors

Dr. Dre's dealings with Beats Audio have made him Hip Hop's richest man.

Kanye West would certainly like to be Hip Hop's richest man. Did he cost himself a chance at that by passing on the Beats deal that eventually went to Dr. Dre?

Connected comedian TK Kirkland says that's what happened in an interview with Vlad TV.

"A lot of people don't know with Dre Beats, was really for Kanye West and Kanye West turned it down because he couldn't see people going back to the '80s wearing headphones. So when Jimmy Iovine and Dre got together, the marketing scheme got together and, boom, it took off."
Kirkland also reveals that Dre turned down being an early investor in Uber. Given that the ride share service is now worth around 50 billion, the good doctor could have been a lot richer.

Skip to about 8:30 to hear about 'Ye and Beats.