Kanye West Officially Dumps Kid Cudi


Kanye West and Kid Cudi did great things together.

But the Kids Show Ghosts bros fell out over Pete Davidson.  Cudi is tight with the funnyman, but Ye hates Skete for banging his ex-wife Kim Kardashian

"Just so everyone knows Cudi will not be on Donda [2] because he's friends with you know who we all speak in Billie language now," Ye declared earlier this year.

Cudi fired back:

“Too bad I don’t wanna be on ur album u fuckin dinosaur hahaha,” Cudi commented“Everyone knows I’ve been the best thing about ur albums since I met you. Ima pray for u brother.” He added on Twitter, “We talked weeks ago about this. You’re whack for flipping the script and posting this lie just for a look on the internet. You ain’t no friend. BYE.”

Now they are saying that Kanye got back on Instagram this week just so he could officially break up with Cudi.

Do you think this relationship can be saved?