Kanye Considering Dissing Chris Brown & Snoop For Mocking Caitlyn Jenner

by HHL Editors

Chris Brown and Snoop Dogg both posted a meme mocking Bruce Jenner's transition to Caitlyn Jenner.

Now Kanye West, who's reportedly quite found of Caitlyn, may be planning to fire back at all those who have made fun of his wife's former step father/mother.

"Kanye hasn’t written anything yet, but he has been thinking about referencing Caitlyn on a new track," A scource told Hollywood Life. "He wants to stick up for her and diss everyone who has taken shots at Caitlyn, like Chris Brown and Snoop Dogg. He’ll never do a song completely devoted to Caitlyn, but talking about her to make a point or to protect her has definitely been a thought of his. It may be something we see in the future."
Given how much attention Caitlyn is getting this would actual be a decent way for 'Ye to promote his upcoming album Swish.

So, what rhymes with "science project."